Make Your Dreams possible

Invest with Confidence, Harvest with rewards

Together we can achieve anything...

Gold Loan

ബാങ്കിങിനായി കോസ്റ്റൽ അർബൻ ബാങ്കിനെ സമീപിക്കുക

Vehicle Loan

Do you need to purchase a car or buy your loved one a gift? Our Vehicle Loan is designed with you and your family in mind.

Housing Loan (Hl) *(Emi)

Buying or building your dream home? The Coastal Urban Co-operative bank can help you make all the right moves

Business Loan (Bl)

Business Loan (Bl)

Ordinary Loan (Ol) *(Emi)

Ordinary Loan (Ol) *(Emi)

Cash Credit (Cc)

Cash Credit (Cc)

Non Productive Mt Loan (Npmtl)

Non Productive Mt Loan (Npmtl)

Medium Term Loan (Mtl)

Medium Term Loan (Mtl)

Special Loan (Spl)

Special Loan (Spl)

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